
Tiger stripes stretch marks tattoo
Tiger stripes stretch marks tattoo

tiger stripes stretch marks tattoo tiger stripes stretch marks tattoo

Mandala tattoo is very popular in the world due to its geometrical shapes and patterns. Meaning: The word ‘Mandala’ in Sanskrit means ‘circle’. It also tells the nature of the wearer who has a great interest in colors. Meaning: This adorable tattoo represents positivity, grace, confidence, balance, and righteousness. It also highlights the nature of the wearer who might be intuitive, independent, ambitious, and self-assured. Meaning: It symbolizes purity, enlightenment, faith, and grace. Getting this tattoo is a beautiful way to show your love for loved ones. Meaning: It is a sweet tattoo that represents innocence, love, care, emotions, and balance. Sometimes it is also considered to protect against evil spirits. This also symbolizes the wearer’s personality who might be passionate, courageous, and independent. Meaning: It represents freedom, bravery, wisdom, and power. It also draws attention to the wearer’s personality, which may resemble that of a tiger or a bear in terms of being bold, independent, stable, and courageous. Meaning: It is a symbol of power, freedom, strength, fierceness, protection, knowledge, and wisdom. This tattoo symbolizes power, prosperity, rejuvenation, and serenity. Meaning: Wildlife is one of the most important factors of nature and every creature plays a vital role in the ecosystem. Meaning: In this tattoo, the tiger’s face is boldly highlighted which signifies freedom, power, strength, energy, and danger. It also represents good health and good luck. This tattoo also highlights the nature of the wearer who might be ambitious, brave, superior, and fearless. Meaning: It signifies power, supremacy, strength, and aggression. Generally, people like to get this tattoo inked on their hands, wrists, arms, and legs. It also highlights the nature of the wearer who might be inactive and lazy sometimes. Meaning: It signifies innocence and tiredness. There is absolutely nothing I can do about it and instead I'm going to wear my tiger stripes with pride, for all the fabulous things they represent. So I'll keep up with the Bio Oil and cream regime (I'm already well stocked up), but I'm not going to obsessively look in the mirror each day and monitor myself for new marks.

tiger stripes stretch marks tattoo

They didn't seem to have any body insecurities, so why I thought should I? I'm so proud of my bump and I know I'll be so proud of my little daughter when she arrives – and my body for growing her for a whole 9 months! They'd grown and birthed a baby! Many ladies describe their stretch marks as tiger stripes that they feel they've earned through being such courageous females and mothers. Of course stretch marks fade over time but what struck me was how proud these women were of their bodies and what they had achieved. Later that day I came across a blog about women who had photographed their postpartum bodies, complete with stretch marks and all. I also think there's a lot of pressure on pregnant women to have a 'nice, neat bump' and then lose all the extra weight really quickly and fit back into their 'size 10 jeans' practically the day after giving birth. There is so much pressure, as we all know, on both men and women to look a certain way and for our bodies to conform to a certain standard. Was it that I was sad that my body would now be permanently marked? Was it that I was worried what my husband would think? Was it that I was worried what other people would think? In all honesty I think it's a mixture of all three things but predominantly what other people will think when I eventually don a bikini again – and that's really sad. I spent some time reflecting on this discovery and why I felt so upset about it. I felt really downhearted and all my optimism about 'getting off lightly' rapidly faded as I starting googling images of 'pregnancy stretch marks', which of course only revealed the worst cases! I quickly grabbed a hand held mirror and lay on the bed to survey the damage. I was mortified to see a load of stretch marks under my belly button that I can't see without getting up close and personal with a mirror. So I decided to lift it up a bit with my hands to reveal the normally unseen 'under bump'. That was until this week! I was taking a bumpie (selfie of my bump to record its progress!) in the mirror and was thinking to myself that it seemed to have dropped a bit over the last week. My mum never got any stretch marks so I thought I may get off lightly. A few fairly prominent stretch marks have appeared just above my hips on both sides and I felt ok with thinking they were all I was going to get. It smelt so good and promised so much I've kept on buying it. The latter was a gift from a friend which lasted about a month.

Tiger stripes stretch marks tattoo